The strong slopes of this massif and erosion are the cause of the poverty of its soils, which have a clear forestry vocation. Thus, in the lower parts, river channels and bottoms of the valleys, there are forests of galena and bank, reserve not only of plants, but also a large number of birds and insects, which find here their habitat and refuge.

The olive grove is the most widespread crop within the natural park, although figs, cherries, almonds, walnuts are also grown. . . Later, at higher altitudes, the most characteristic tree masses of these spaces, such as the oak, the juniper, the coscoja and the pines, appear.

In coexistence with these formations other shrubs appear, such as the retamales and espartales, sloe and the rosehip. In the upper part, there are extensive areas of native holm oak, quejigales, acérales, wild cherry trees, savines, creeping junipers. . Of its flora stand out some plants exclusive of these lands as the jurinea fontqueri, the heliantehemun frigidurum and the clear lithodora. At the beginning of the twentieth century the main predators of the Mediterranean area disappear: the wolf and the lynx; In its place are small carnivores like the wild cat, the gineta and the fox. Among the birds are the raptors: the kestrel, the hawk and the eagle.

The summits win the unmistakable blackbird, while the red rocker nests among the cracks of the rocks. Finches, verderones, nightingales and goldfinches inhabit the opposite in the oak groves and olive groves. In mágina there is a large population of wild goats, wild boars, deer and mouflons.

Fauna y Flora
La Cultura del Agua
Gastronomía y Artesanía